Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The banner on my Twitter page is a play on words by humorist, comedian and cartoonist Philippe Geluck.

The difference between an artist and a pair of shoes.  The artist must stop before he laces up and the shoes are not finished until being laced up.  In French, laced up is an expression for go crazy.
In French it states:
La differnece entre un artiste et une paire de chausures, c'est que l'artiste doit pouvoir partir avant de lasser, tandis que les chaussures, il vaut mieux les lacer avant de partir.

In English it means:
The difference between an artist and a pair of shoes is that the artist must leave before tiring, while the shoes, it is better to lace up before leaving.  I believe the phrase lace up means tire or go crazy.

More on why I choose it later! Read blog on Annie.

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