Think about the impression you are making from the perspective of the other person. Think about What Is In It For Me from their view point. This is called WIIFM. There are three major parts:
1. Visual - the way you look, from the moment you slip in front of the audience, 55% of the message
2.Vocal - the way you speak, 38% of the message
3. Verbal - your words, 7% of the message
All else is small potatoes!
Think about this: 93% of the message you want to get across depends on the way you look and your tone of voice!
Your tone says to the listener : you are worth my effort and my message is worth it. The first impression comes from the the way you look and your tone of voice. Remember the old cliche' It doesn't matter what you say, but how you say it.
In this series of blogs, I will draw from the knowledge, skills and wisdom of Ming Diaz. What we will focus on is Dress, Tone and acceptable manners
The Visual Drives the Message!
1. Collared shirt (blue to white) buttoned down (lowest level is no collar) you must have a collar! This brings attention to the face. Hint: it is valuable to have at least 3 shirts with cuffs.
2. Grease collects on the brow and upper side of face. Take away this distraction by using a neutral set powder.
3. Always a belt! Dress the part and get the recognition.
4. Only one item of jewelry and a gold watch for men. Women ear rings and a matching penant.
5. Good posture is a Fierce Enhancement as the message giver! This will make a ferocious difference! There are two inches between cowering and towering.
The Responsibility of an Envoy
1. React on the behalf of others. If you take away their fear, you are taking care of your customer. Let them know there are no worries. You will protect them.
2. Take care of their needs: for example: bring them water and take them to lunch.
3. Assure them they will not lack for anything. This moment this place you say, let me make you important and comfortable. (anthropology - like the monkey grooms - hygiene is what is necessary.
4. You are in your domain, you are the guests best friend. You remove their stress, treats and fear. You are a visual anchor and they feel say knowing you are there.
1. Basic rule as your confidence grows your rate of speaking slows. Slow down at the end of what you want to say.
2. Enunciation makes up for quality.
3. Your dress is important.
4. Give good eye contact.
5. Use a stance of inclusion. You body language will include if you use open hands as long as it is no higher than your collar bone. Stay in the area below the collar bone. Any higher is the gorilla stance and is perceived as threatening and a sign of insecurity .
6. Do not touch your face: a sign of subservient.
7. Make it until you fake it. Do the things you know. Good posture. An obvious sign of stress and being unsure of self is touching the face. These nuances are a way to deliberately teach yourself automatic habits of not making the other person uncomfortable. Work towards unconscious confidence.
8. Attention away from sex. Draw attention to your face. Hair away from face. Women choker and matching earrings. Solid colors best, then patterns, no logos.
9. Visual competence is 3 x as hard for a woman than for a man. Impression of Competence depends on the quality of your dress and the style enhances the message. Single color dress draws attention to the face. Non-glare make-up. Hair away from face. Think about how you present yourself especially if you are a female. For females you must present your professional side more than your female side to break the glass ceiling.
10. Dress for success, dress professionally, dress conservatively which defines trust.
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